Monday, September 7, 2009

[Back] In Action

After an extended early and post maternity leave, I have the itch to get back into the game. I know that it's been a while and I am the world's WORST blogger. Having three kids, a dog, a husband, MOMS Club and other responsibilities have kept me from booking many sessions lately or keeping up with the business end of my life. But, a dear family friend got me to agree to a session and we had a blast (more about that later this week).

What have I been up to recently? Meet my newest love - Everett Michael:

I have lots of great ideas up my sleeve and other news to brag on - will try to update more frequently.

1 comment:

Jenn S said...

Congratulations again on your sweet boy. I'm glad you took some time away from work to focus on him, all the other crazy elements of life, and hopefully a little you - but equally glad to see you back! Can't wait to check out last week's session when you post.